AWS S3 Websites

Amir Mustafa
AWS in Plain English
2 min readSep 15, 2021


AWS S3 Websites

→ AWS provides us with the facility to host static websites in S3.

→ For that go to AWS console → Search S3 service → Go to your S3 bucket

NOTE: If you have not created an S3 bucket. Click Create bucket in S3 service

→ We need to upload the index.html file. This file should contain HTML codes that will render on a webpage.

→ Go toPermissions tab → Uncheck Block Public Sharing setting

→ Go to Properties tab → Scroll extreme down → Enable static website → Save

→ Once the website is enabled, we get the URL of our static website. Hit it in the browser.


Closing Thoughts:

S3 provides a great way to easily host static websites. Many professionals want to have their portfolio or a basic website for their business. AWS S3 will be an awesome fit for the same.

In the next article, we will understand Versioning in AWS S3 which makes it very powerful.

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