AWS S3 Generating Logs in S3

Amir Mustafa
AWS in Plain English
3 min readSep 15, 2021


AWS S3: Generating Logs in S3 Bucket

For generating logs of the bucket, we can use this AWS S3 feature.

For holding logs of a bucket, we need to create a new S3 bucket.

Go to the AWS console → Search S3 Service → Create a new bucket

Write any bucket name of your choice. You can add keywords like logs in the bucket name for a better understanding.

eg. amir-server-logs-2021. Click Create bucket button.

So there will be two buckets — one main bucket and other log bucket.

Go to your main bucket → Click Property → Go to the Server access logging → Edit.

Here we write the name of the new bucket created in the below format:


Any new activity will be logged in the new bucket.

Sample logs of S3 bucket

Note: It takes 30 to 60 seconds to reflect logs in the new bucket. You can also refer in the below video



It is a good practice to enable logs and versioning of an S3 bucket before using them in projects.

In the next article, we will understand Replication in AWS S3.

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